



A.  General Principle.

            1. Either mankind adjusts to the justice of God or the justice of God adjusts to him.

            2. If mankind adjusts to the justice of God there is divine blessing from the justice of God, which is free to bless man.

            3. If mankind does not adjust to the justice of God, then the justice of God is only free to judge man.

            4. Therefore the issue is simple:  either we adjust to the justice of God and receive blessing from God, or the justice of God will adjust to us and we receive judgment from God.

            5. The justice of God is the difference between cursing and blessing.


B.  Category One:  Maladjustment at Salvation.

            1. When Jesus Christ was on the cross, the justice of God judged the sins poured out upon Him. We adjust to the justice of God instantaneously by believing in Christ. The justice of God must be free to bless us through the work of Christ. Therefore we adjust and receive forty things.

            2. To adjust the justice of God by faith in Christ means God’s justice is free to provide salvation and justification.

            3. To reject Christ is maladjustment.

            4. Maladjustment produces the patterns of heathenism, as well as the various stages of reversionism. All heathenism and unbeliever reversionism is category one maladjustment to the justice of God.

            5. Only the work of Christ frees the justice of God to give salvation. Therefore those who are maladjusted to the justice of God are resurrected at the last judgment and judged on the basis of good and evil. Minus righteousness cannot have fellowship with perfect righteousness. Maladjustment means eternal judgment.


C.  Category Two:  Adjustment to Sin.

            1. This adjustment to the justice of God is accomplished by the use of the rebound technique. This is instantaneous confession of sin, which frees the justice of God to forgive sin.

            2. These sins have been judged by the justice of God while Jesus Christ was on the cross. We site or name our sins to God only; no emotion is involved. The justice of God is faithful and just and free to cleanse us from all sin.

            3. There is maladjustment by not naming our sins to God.

            4. There is maladjustment by adding anything to naming our sins. No emotion, no begging for forgiveness, or anything which compromises God’s justice is acceptable. Arrogance thinks it can do something to add to God’s forgiveness. God forgives known and unknown sins.

            5. How we feel is of no consequence to the justice of God. It is only what God the Father thinks that counts.

            6. Maladjustment is rejection of rebound and the substitution of penance, emotion, feeling sorry for sin, making restitution, etc.

            7. Maladjustment in category two produces a carnal Christian and eventuates in reversionism and the influence of evil.

            8. In this maladjustment to the justice of God, the carnal or reversionistic believer finds the justice of God will adjust to him in divine discipline. But he cannot lose his salvation.


D.  Category Three Maladjustment:  Rejection of Bible doctrine. This means to fail to attain DIKAIOSUNE, which is the thinking and function of a judge, and therefore, justice.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.